- Prior to the end of the redemption period. Based off the "drop dead date" we can work directly with the property owners to work out the sale of their property to us prior to them losing it. The Pre-Auction Method article will out line this in great detail, and we can change it to fit whatever county we are working with.
- Participating in the auction. We can go through the counties to buy at the auction. Most counties seem to require we attend the auction physically. Sometimes they will allow us to send a representative. Many of them will allow us to mail in bids, or will have the auction online.
- Over the counter from the county/state. There are a few states that are known to have over the counter (OTC) in almost every county. Please revue the article and it will outline these states. Keep in mind that many counties in other states have chosen to offer OTC properties as well, and we will need to harvest them out through our efforts contacting the counties.
3 Ways to Buy Property
There are three basic ways to buy property in this business.